LA, Scottsdale and Vegas Oh My

The west coast may really be the best coast (certainly the warmer coast) and I spent the last 9 days doing the golden triangle, if you will, of the left coast of the United States. Between Los Angeles/Newport Beach, Scottsdale and Las Vegas it was busy, promising, exhausting and as always a great time. Here […]

NBC Phoenix Interview

Amateur Night at the Apollo Theater

When you live in a city like New York with a million things to do and people to see on any given night and you are away a lot, sometimes it’s easy to not do certain things or let them slip through the cracks. For many years I had always meant to go to the […]

2011: Year of the Angry Traveler Part 2?

For my first post of 2011, I will reflect on 2010 which has become known as the year of the angry traveler. I was just reading an article from CNN which was discussing the travel industry disaster that was 2010 and aside from being funny, it was correct. From volcanic ash clouds, underwear bombers leading […]

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year, enriched by travel, fun, family, friends and whatever it is that you want to achieve in your lives. I am home in New York City for New Years Eve tonight and am looking forward to some exciting global adventures in 2011. Thanks for all your […]

Merry Christmas!

A quick Christmas note from my family and I to you and yours, Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season wherever in the world you are. I am looking forward to more adventures in 2011 and thanks for your support!

Christmas Shopping

If you’re like me then you probably hate shopping. I often shop online. And I even know the best sites like the ones on to do so, as they’re completely secure and have the best items to choose from. Christmas shopping is even worse because of all the crowds and the fact that you […]

Reclining Seats and Air Rage

I just read an article on about air rage resulting from reclining seats in coach class. Apparently some idiot took exception to some guy reclining his seat and apparently ripped his ear off. Needless to say he was arrested but it brings to the forefront an age old debate and one that drives me […]

Navratilova to Climb Kilimanjaro

I was just reading about Martina Navratilova, the greatest women’s tennis player of all time in my view, started climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro today. She is doing it to raise awareness for cancer, for which she is a survivor, and to raise money for a charity. I am very happy that she is doing it and […]

Money Saving Air Travel Tips

I am back in the States now after a long and successful trip around the world. There were some 30ish flight segments and a lot of tired eyes. However, the cost of a trip like this was not that bad, even with all of the flying. I was just sitting here thinking about how cheap […]
